Arushi Agarwal
Feb 17, 2024 07:13 AM 1 Answers Baby and Kids
Member Since Jan 2024
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How do I teach my baby to self-settle?

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Best Answer
Edit Sep 06, 2024

Teaching your baby to self-settle involves fostering independence in falling asleep. Establish a consistent bedtime routine, incorporating calming activities like a warm bath and gentle lullabies.

Create a comfortable sleep environment with dim lighting and a cozy crib. Place your baby in the crib when drowsy but still awake, allowing them to learn the process of drifting off independently. Introduce a comforting object, like a soft blanket or favorite toy, to provide reassurance.

Encourage daytime naps to prevent overtiredness, which can hinder self-settling. During night wakings, offer comfort without immediately picking up your baby, encouraging them to self-soothe. Consistency is key; maintain the routine to reinforce the association between bedtime and sleep. While each baby is unique, patience and attentiveness to their cues play crucial roles in developing self-settling skills.

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