Arushi Agarwal
Jan 24, 2024 10:55 AM 2 Answers Food and Drink
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How You Can Help Your Child Stop Cold Drinking

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Best Answer
Arushi Agarwal
Sep 19, 2024

To help your children quit cold drinks, it is important to educate them about the negative impact of consuming sugary beverages on their health. Encourage them to drink water or natural fruit juices instead. Set a good example by limiting your own consumption of cold drinks and providing healthy alternatives at home. Involve your children in meal planning and grocery shopping so they can make healthier choices. Additionally, praise and reward them for making positive changes to their diet. Patience and consistency are key in helping your children develop healthier habits and eventually quit cold drinks.

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Best Answer
Arushi Agarwal
Aug 29, 2024

It is winter season, cold drinks should be consumed, cold food should be eaten, Ice-cream should be eaten, to avoid cold, you should take these measures:  Take mustard seeds oil,  few ajwane, very few Turmeric, Garlic and A Saffron . All this has to be cooked well, after which just apply on your child chest… and then wear warm clothes¦ After that the child gets relief

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