Arushi Agarwal
Feb 01, 2024 12:57 PM 1 Answers Health and Fitness
Member Since Jan 2024
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What can I do if I can't swallow pills?

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1 Answers
Best Answer
Arushi Agarwal
Aug 29, 2024

If you struggle to swallow pills, try these methods:

Сrush the pill and mix it with applesauce or yogurt, or dissolve it in a glass of water.
Аsk your doctor or pharmacist if the medication is available in liquid form.
practice with small candies or food to improve your swallowing reflex
Try taking the pill with a spoonful of thick liquid, like pudding
Тilt your head forward while swallowing to make it easier.

Consult your healthcare provider for alternatives or further guidance. Never alter medication without professional advice to ensure safety and efficacy.

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