Arushi Agarwal
Jan 24, 2024 11:38 AM 1 Answers Health and Fitness
Member Since Jan 2024
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What to adopt to get immediate relief from low blood pressure and anxiety. Give me suggest a solution

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1 Answers
Best Answer
Arushi Agarwal
Aug 29, 2024

Nowadays, the problem of low blood pressure is increasing among people and people are very worried about it.

I am telling you that Net Mur 30 is a homeopathic medicine, taking which will give you relief from low BP to a great extent.

Recommendation by Dr. Hemant Srivastava

Check more information: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2Wk8seyuiY/?igsh=a3I0dzN2MzFvcmgy

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