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Why is entertainment so valued in today’s world?

Arushi Agarwal
Feb 05, 2024 01:01 PM 1 Answers Entertainment
Member Since Jan 2024
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Why is entertainment so valued in today's world?

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Edit Sep 05, 2024

Entertainment is highly valued in today's world as it serves as a crucial escape from the stresses of modern life. In a fast-paced and digitally connected society, people seek diversion and relaxation through various forms of entertainment, including movies, music, and video games. It offers a means of emotional release, fosters social connections, and provides a shared cultural experience. Additionally, the entertainment industry drives economic growth, creating jobs and generating substantial revenue. As individuals face constant challenges, the appeal of entertainment lies in its ability to offer a temporary reprieve and enhance overall well-being, making it an integral aspect of contemporary lifestyle.

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